PDF Creator Pro | |
Trial Version: Download | Full Version: |
Two-in-One Version: Download |
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GIRDAC PDF Creator Pro is a software application to
create PDF documents from Microsoft Word, Excel and
PowerPoint files by direct file selection. It can also creates
PDF documents from more than 300 Windows applications. What is PDF Creator Pro Two in One version? |
GIRDAC PDF Creator Pro converts Word to PDF, Excel to PDF, PowerPoint to PDF. |
PDF Creator Pro sample watermarks |
How to buy PDF Creator Pro |
Awards and Certificates |
Personal computer with Intel Pentium 133-MHz or faster processor. |
64 MB RAM (Preferably 128 MB RAM or higher). |
16 MB free hard-disk space. |
Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution monitor. |
PDF Creator Pro runs on |
Windows 11 (32-bit or 64-bit) | Windows Server 2025 |
Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit) | Windows Server 2022 |
Windows 8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit) | Windows Server 2019 |
Windows 8 (32-bit or 64-bit) | Windows Server 2016 |
Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) | Windows Server 2012 |
Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit) | Windows Server 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit) |
Windows XP (32-bit or 64-bit) | Windows 2003 Server (32-bit or 64-bit) |
Internet Connection for Product Activation. Computers without Internet connection need offline product activation. |
Compliance to One Product on One System License Policy. |
There are two methods of PDF creation: |
Drag and drop Word, Excel or PowerPoint files into the list box. Alternatively, select Word, Excel or PowerPoint files by clicking the Browse button. Add additional options by clicking the Options button. Then click the Create PDF button. |
Open any printable file in windows. For instance, open a text file in Notepad. Click on the top level File menu. Then click on the Print... option. from the File menu. Print window displays the installed printers. Select GIRDAC printer by clicking on it. Then click on Print button. GIRDAC PDF Creator Pro window is displayed. One can change the PDF path and file name. One can set the options by clicking the Options button. Then click on Create PDF button. |
Creates PDF file from Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files. |
Creates PDF file from any printable file. |
Creates PDF file by simply dragging and dropping Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files. |
Combines multiple documents to create a single PDF file. |
Adds custom watermark to PDF file. |
Protects PDF document from viewing, editing, copying or modifying through password. |
Secures PDF file by applying 128-bit encryption algorithm. |
Sets PDF document properties: Title, Author, Subject, Keywords, date and time created, date and time modified, PDF version, application name, and PDF producer. |
Sets PDF default view settings: Zoom, Page Display, Page Mode, Open Page Number, and Page Rotation. |
Saves PDF settings for later use. |
Optimizes PDF document for different purposes. |
Customizes user interface with file selection folder, PDF folder, Page range, Style, User Interface Language, Combining PDFs, Opening PDF after creation, Showing menu help tooltips, and Showing buttons, textboxes help tooltips. |
Shows Conversion Report after converting PDF document. |
Supports partial PDF creation with selected page range. |
Opens PDF document after creation. |
Has an easy to use single screen conversion interface, no wizards, no multiple screens. |
Supports user options to override default options. |
Adds PDF Creator Pro to start menu programs in selected user interface language. |
Creates PDF Creator Pro shortcut on desktop in selected user interface language. |
Displays contextual help in English while using PDF Creator Pro. |
Extends free PDF Creator Pro updates. |
Provides 24-hour email support. |
Has four user interface styles: Blue, Black, Aqua, Silver. |
PDF Creator Pro supports 115 user interface languages: |
Afrikaans | Hausa | Papiamentu |
Albanian | Hawaiian | Pashto |
Amharic | Hebrew | Persian |
Arabic | Hindi | Polish |
Armenian | Hmong | Portuguese |
Azerbaijani | Hungarian | Punjabi |
Bangla | Icelandic | Romanian |
Basque | Igbo | Russian |
Belarusian | Indonesian | Samoan |
Bosnian | Irish | ScotsGaelic |
Bulgarian | isiXhosa | Serbian |
Burmese | isiZulu | Sesotho |
Cantonese | Italian | Shona |
Catalan | Japanese | Sindhi |
Cebuano | Javanese | Sinhala |
Chichewa | Kannada | Slovak |
Chinese | Kazakh | Slovenian |
Chinese Simple | Khmer | Somali |
Corsican | Korean | Spanish |
Creole | Kurdish | Sundanese |
Croatian | Kyrgyz | Swahili |
Czech | Lao | Swedish |
Danish | Latin | Tahitian |
Dari | Latvian | Tajik |
Dutch | Lithuanian | Tamil |
English | Luxembourgish | Telugu |
Esperanto | Macedonian | Thai |
Estonian | Malagasy | Tongan |
Faroese | Malay | Turkish |
Fijian | Malayalam | Ukrainian |
Filipino | Maltese | Urdu |
Finnish | Maori | Uzbek |
French | Marathi | Valencian |
Frisian | Maya | Vietnamese |
Galician | Mongolian | Welsh |
Georgian | Nepali | Yiddish |
German | Norwegian | Yoruba |
Greek | Occitan | |
Gujarati | Otomi |